Our strength lies in providing quality diagnostic service, as our Centre of Excellence laboratory in Delhi is accredited by NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration laboratories) in accordance with ISO15189:2012, and the quality certifications are indicators that we keep pace with global quality standards.
Hospital Laboratory Solutions
Alpha Invitro Diagnostics empowers hospitals to focus on core healthcare services by managing the clinical laboratory facility which will function like another department in the hospital. By sparing them the effort to manage yet another department, it turns out to be a cost-effective solution. With the back-up from the Alpha Invitro Diagnostics core team, the hospital laboratory will function like a referral lab with full-fledged departments and carries out a wide range of clinical lab tests.
Laboratory Samples outsourcing
Alpha Invitro Diagnostic offers an extensive test menu and Pathology across the north India. We give the hospitals/laboratories an opportunity to partner with us in the outsourced sample processing. We give full online solutions for the hospitals/pathology laboratory to ensure that the results are delivered at the lowest TAT. Our commitment to quality processes and accurate results has led us to become one of the most trusted partners to hospitals and doctors alike .Our extensive experiences have equipped us with the prerequisite expertise to upgrade and operate existing laboratories to maximize productivity and efficiency for a superior quality in-house diagnostic service and ensure better returns on investment.